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10749 Route 30, North Huntingdon, PA 15642

Active #1658021
North HuntingdonWestmoreland County
Office, Retail0.9 Acres
Beautiful Commercial Retail or Office space, formerly a real estate office, newly renovated with over 1700 sq.ft space. This office/retail space contains 3 finished offices, a large conference room with a custom painted faux mural wall and modern iron chandelier. Plenty of open floor within the space with built a in kitchenette and some divided office partitions which could be removed. Porcelain tile, along with tinted windows and desirable Route 30 exposure are just a few of the perks with this space. The area adapts to retail or office applications. Easy to show with many lease options. There will be additional common area charges (CAM) based on the type of business that would be occupying the space. Landlord pays Water, Sewage, Trash, Snow Removal, and Exterior Maintenance. Short Term or long term lease would be considered. Agent is a licensed real estate agent.
Listed ByBelvina Raible(724) 420-5676
General Information
For Lease Building
Lot Size 0.895
Taxes $10,000
Zoning comm
Exterior Features
Access Highway
Construction Concrete
Parking 35
Interior Features
Office Sqft 1,700
Utilities Available Electricity, Gas, Sewer, Water


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Listed ByBelvina Raible(724) 420-5676

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